Your Job Pays You What?

broke wallet

Don’t settle for Low Pay

Today I read an article on highlighting the 10 companies that are Paying Americans the least. Of course they are mainly service industry jobs, fast food, retail, grocery stores. But yet, these same companies boast higher and higher profits every year. Big business wins, the little guy, stays little…

Well not for long…

Wouldn’t it be great if the people who are being oppressed by their day-to-day wages had a way to supplement them, better yet, replace and increase them?  Yet again, there is the opportunity for you to get out and do your own thing. Make your own destiny. Most people think it takes hundreds and thousands of dollars to start your own business. In some cases, it does. But there are opportunities to work for yourself starting with little or no money at all. I understand that some people operate off the assumption that you must be a genius to run a business, and that you must have a special set of skills. This is also a myth.

Many people are making a substantial amount of money from their homes just by posting ads on Facebook, Instagram and other social media. Even better, people are getting paid, just by spreading information via word of mouth. That’s right. What if you can get paid just for sharing information with someone? You can. Those same people listed above (and you) can take advantage of online marketing and affiliate marketing programs and get the same money that the 10 companies above won’t pay their employees, but will pay advertisers.

Picture this, you post a link on Facebook that says “I like Wal-Mart”.  How much does Wal-mart pay you when someone clicks on that link and buys something? A big $0. Now imagine, if you were a part of an affiliate program that worked WITH Wal-Mart. When you post your own link that says “Buy product X at Wal-Mart” and someone uses your link to do it, YOU get a part of the PROFIT!  If you’re gonna promote, for these companies, you might as well get paid for it!

My team has access to different programs that you can join which WILL help you accomplish the following things:

1) Earn income from home.

2) Save on things that you buy everyday

3) Get paid when others test products or services

4) Get amazing tax write-offs for owning your own business

5) Take amazing trips at great prices

6) Get great benefits on Automotive services such as towing and roadside assistance

7) Get hospital and indemnity benefits

8) Get paid to share information with others about how they can earn and save

It’s time to take control of your situation and stop letting the companies dictate how much you earn and when you get it.  To get more information on how you can take control of your future visit the link below.


Thirty Causes of Failure

Thirty Causes of Failure- Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich.

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I have been reading Think and Grow Rich. I actually have finished the book, but I’m going back through to look at some of the exercises and points made in the book. Today’s focus is the section which addresses the thirty causes of failure. I found it interesting because there are some things that cannot be helped and some that are based purely on fear, ignorance, and sometimes pride.  If you can avoid these things in life, (according to Hill) you should be ok.
12 Things Successful People Do Differently1-    Unfavorable hereditary background
2-    Lack of a well-defined purpose in life
3-    Lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity
4-    Insufficient Education
5-    Lack of Self-Discipline
6-    Ill Health
7-    Unfavorable Environmental influences during childhood.
8-    Procrastination
9-    Lack of persistence
10-   Negative personality
11-   Lack of control of sexual urge
12-   Uncontrolled desire for something for nothing
13-   Lack of a well-defined power of decision
14-   One of more of the six basic fears
15-   Wrong selection of  a mate in marriage
16-   Over-caution30 causes of Failure
17-   Wrong selection of associates in business
18-   Superstition and Prejudice
19-   Wrong selection of a vocation
20-   Lack of concentration effort
21-   The habit of indiscriminate spending
22-   Lack of enthusiasm
23-   Intolerance
24-   Intemperance
25-   Inability to cooperate with others
26-   Possession of power that was not acquired through self effort
27-   Intentional dishonesty
28-   Egotism and vanity
29-   Guessing instead of thinking
30-   Lack of Capital
31-   All other’s that were not mentioned.

The Something for Nothing Syndrome

The “Something for Nothing” Syndrome

Something for Nothing

#12 on the list of causes of failure: “The Uncontrolled Desire of Something for Nothing

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I have been reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I actually have finished the book, but I’m going back through to look at some of the exercises and points made in the book. My focus today is found in the section which addresses the thirty causes of failure. Some of those causes are procrastination, lack of a well-defined power of decision, intemperance and over-caution. One that stood out to me particularly today was number twelve the ”uncontrolled desire for something for nothing”.  This is the belief that you can get the maximum return in exchange for little or no investment of money, time, or both.
This topic stood out in my mind today as I was recently discussion different network marketing companies.  In an effort to fact check some of the information that came up in the discussion, I started doing some research online. (You know everything on the internet is true). While I was researching different companies and business opportunities, I noticed that along with the links that point you to business opportunities, there are multiple links and reviews from people who say that those same opportunities are scams or fraudulent.
Upon reading more deeply into the posts from the nay-sayers, one factor that most of them had in common was that they were involved in the opportunity they were criticizing, but failed to make any money. They were looking for a get-rich-quick scheme and when they did not get rich quick, they thought they were caught up in a scheme. Let’s be clear, not everyone is going to get rich from home based opportunities. Some will get rich, some will remain mid-level and some will do nothing. What I have learned over the years that I have participated in network marketing and MLM companies is that in most cases you will get out of the business what you put into it. If you truly work the business you are in, treat it like a real business that you take seriously, and follow the system that the high earners have in place, you have a good chance of having positive results.
Those complainers and many who have not voiced complaints most likely got into the business expecting something for nothing. I’m here to tell you that nothing in life or business is truly free. While your business may not have cost a lot of money (or in some cases no money at all to start) you still have to SPEND TIME and ENERGY learning the business and marketing the business. Even business owners and managers have to spend time making decisions and implementing policies. It will not grow on its own. Like being a parent, you have to put time and energy into your child in order for the child to grow up into the person you want him or her to be.

Who wants something for nothing? … Everyone

Hill gives the example of gamblers when speaking of those with an uncontrolled desire of something for nothing. Hill’s example gives me the mental picture of compulsive gamblers. Today’s society see’s those people as the one who like to try to “beat the system” or get over on others. In some cases, these are the people who have had everything given to them through life, and expect that they are entitled to the same when they enter into business ventures, only to find out that the real world is not so generous as those people they have been accustomed to. Gamblers still fall into this category, often losing more money than they can afford while trying to get the one big win. This desire is a definite cause of failure, because you cannot run a business by doing absolutely nothing and expect to profit. In the long run, those who do get something for nothing ultimately fail because they have not gained the skills to maintain, or regenerate what they have acquired.

My friends, there is no such thing as something for nothing. If there was, we would all have it…

If you would like to read more of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich , you can get a copy here...
If you enjoyed this post and would like to read my others, please visit Tamara’s Blog.

WakeUpNow America!


If you live in one of these 10 states, there is a chance, you are living at the bottom of the income pole…(10) Arizona, Alabama, New Mexico, Kentucky, Arkansas, Utah, West Virginia, South Carolina, Idaho, and (1) Mississippi. There is something you can do about it though. Don’t be a victim of circumstance. Make your own path.WakeUPNow

According to an article on, the states listed above are the 10 states where the average income is the least once you factor in taxes and expenses. Fortunately, there is a plan for people who live in these states (or anywhere in the US or Canada) to help with taxes, expenses, and bringing in the extra cash they need.

How many of people would like to minimize your tax liability, like to reduce your debt using your current income, save up to 22% off your existing cell phone bill, and save money on things you buy every day? On top of all this, you can save on cruises, condos and vacations. AND GET PAID WHILE DOING IT!

You can do all of these things as a member of WakeUpNow (WUN). Let me break it down for you:


What can WAKEUPNOW do for you

How to minimize your tax liability: If you don’t have a business you are missing thousands of dollars per year in tax deductions. Such as saving $5 for every 10 miles you drive. With WUN you have your own home business which entitles you to over 450 tax deductions by law. This can increase your tax write offs significantly. It’s what the big business owners do to save money, now the average guy can get in on it too!

If you already have a business, big or small, you can be better protected against an audit. How? WUN partnered with Sandy Botkin who created Tax Bot. Through his system if you use smartphone or computer, you can track your business, expenses, receipts and miles on a monthly basis. There is no longer a need to keep receipts or mileage logs. Tax Bot helps keep track of receipts miles with Google maps. WUN does not engage in tax or accounting advice. So speak with a CPA or tax adviser about what you can and can’t do as a business.

WakeUpNow Benfits

How can you Eliminate debt using current income: It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not! It’s simple math and a formula the contained in the software you get with WakeUpNow makes it possible. WUN finance automates all of your budgets and bank accounts and aggregates them into one account. The Debt elimination tool included with it also prioritizes debts, whether mortgages or car loans, student loans, other debts. By prioritizing the debts, the tool helps you decide which one to pay off first  and shows you how to do it step-by-step and then follows the process for the others. It can save you years in debt and interest and get you out of debt a lot faster. It’s a lot better than Quicken, Microsoft money and mint because it is not just a budgeting software. It is simpler to use and it also has that critical debt elimination piece that the other programs do not have.

How you can Save 22% on existing phone cell bill: If you enroll today you can get access to the WakeUpNow corporate discount that can help you save up to 20 % with AT&T or T-Mobile. Even if you already have service with these companies

How can you save on what you buy every day? As a WUN member you get access to thousands of merchants where you can shop online and offline and save money from the stores you already shop at. You can also save money when you go to the stores to buy groceries, get a haircut or oil change. You can save money on the things you already buy without changing where, why, or what you buy. You can just simply get the same stuff for less or free with WUN.

Once you get everything under control, you will definitely want to kick back and enjoy your success (and your new found cash) WakeUpNow can also help you to save on condos cruises and hotels. The vacation club gives you the ability to save at over 2 million locations worldwide and you don’t have to worry about contracts, maintenance fees or buying a timeshare. No sitting through 2-3 hour presentations and feeling pressured. If you need a hotel, resort, condo, or cruise, you can use the WUN Vacation club discounts to get a GREAT deal. You can save a lot of money, time and hassle and go wherever you want to without paying any of the extra fees.

There are so many other benefits to joining WakeUpNow. You get the access to TaxBot, WUN Protect (identity theft protection), WUN Language, and access to hundreds of things that you can get for Free DAILY.

Get paid with WakeUpNow

WakeUPNowNow, how can you increase your income? WUN actually pays you RESIDUAL income when you show others how they can do the SAME things you are doing to save money. That’s right, you help people save and YOU get paid. It’s really a no-brainer. If you show 3 people how to save with WUN, your business is FREE! (Who can beat that?) IF you show 12 people—you get PAID!! $600/month…

Don’t take just my word for it. Watch the video at the link below and find out for yourself what benefits you get from joining WakeUPNow. Once you watch, you’ll know exactly what you can do to avoid the bottom of the income pole.

Join Now
Click to see the video

If you enjoyed this post, please like and share. If you would like to read my other posts, please visit Tamara’s Blog.

Benefits of Joining MCA

Benefits of Joining MCA

MCA Motor Club of America has been around helping people since 1926. It’s rated better than AAA. By Joining MCA, you

Join MCA

get a multitude of benefits that can help you when you get into a pinch. In addition to that, when you Join, you get PAID for referring others to join. — Who can beat that! So you want a breakdown of WHY you should Join MCA- here ya’ go!


Reasons to join MCA:

– Free 100 Mile Tow (NO CAP & ON ANY CAR)
– Roadside Assistance – fuel delivery, tire change, pop a lock
– $5,000 Vehicle Theft Reward
– $1,000 Credit Card Protection
– $500 Arrest Bond Certificate
– $25,000 Bail Bond
– Up to 50% Dental & Vision Discount
– 65% Prescription Savings
– $500 ER Reimbursement
– $54,750 Hospital Benefit
– $50,000 AD&D Benefit
– $40-$90 UNLIMITED Commissions Per Referral

Its a no brainer- Join MCA today and start reaping the benefits immediately.

Join MCAIf you enjoyed this post, or found it useful, please like or share. To see more of my posts, please visit My Blog.

Much Success,

Starting Out with Think and Grow Rich

Starting out with Think and Grow Rich

I recently started listening to the audio book of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The book, originally published in 1937 is commonly used as a guide or a motivational piece for businessmen and entrepreneurs. The author through many true stories and insightful thoughts intends to share the secret of success and gaining wealth to the readers. Or in my case, to the listeners. So far, I am on chapter 4 and I honestly cannot stop listening to the book. Hill delivers many thoughtful messages that can help push you through trying times and on to your success along with other grains of wisdom.

The main point so far appears to be that in order to be successful, you must have an idea or a goal, and be determined to reach your desired goal or to fulfill your idea and not take no for an answer or give up until you get there. In addition, you must think positive thoughts and you will draw positive things to you.  The idea is that if you want something badly enough, nature will make a way for the desire to be manifested. Other ideas that are covered are autosuggestion, which is the process in which a person induces self-acceptance of a belief, idea, or plan.

Many people who have become successful apply the principles found in Think and Grow Rich.  The examples in the book applied the principles unknowingly and therefore, became subjects of Hills research. There are others who have applied the principles intentionally and have used them as a guide way to success. Today many network marketers use this book as a guide and a reminder to persevere and to not take no as an answer when attempting to reach their goals.

In my own case, I intend to use the book for my own gains. Over the next several months I will apply the principles of the book to the goals I am setting for myself. As I complete more chapters in the book, I will update the new revelations I discovered and the insight I’ve gained from Think and Grow Rich as well as how I am applying the principles in my day to day life.

You can get your own copy of Think and Grow Rich below

Think and Grow Rich
Get your Copy Today

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To read some of my other posts, visit Tamara’s Blog

Why Work From Home

Why work from Home?

Many people go to work daily trading their precious time for a paycheck to make ends meet. One article posted on chronicles the story of a woman who spends at least 28 hours per week commuting to a job where she only works 17 hours per week to earn Why work from homeminimum wages. On top of that, she spends an additional two hours every two weeks. The article is actually meant to highlight the underemployed, under-banked (use all pre-paid cards), and unbanked (have no bank account at all). It also stresses that the average person cannot afford to quit working, but at the same time, going to work taking a large percentage of the small income that they make.

While the article served its purpose, it also made me think of the many opportunities that are available to help people earn income from home. There are affiliate programs, network and multi-level marketing, direct sales companies, and traditional jobs that allow people to work from the comfort of their home. The main requirement is a computer and an internet connection. The telecommuting jobs are good, however most still require you to conform to a company’s schedule and limit the amount of income that you can earn.

The perks you get when you work from home

Why work from home
When you participate in a home based business, an affiliate program, or network marketing and MLMs you have the freedom to create your own schedule. You also have the ability to dictate your own pay. In most cases the amount of effort that you put directly affects the amount of income that you earn. The more you work, the more results you will see. However, if you do nothing, you will get nothing.

The article I read shows the plight of a woman who is trading her time to make someone else rich, but gaining nothing for herself. By working for yourself, you get 100% of the fruits of your labor. If you have the drive and ambition it is possible to get it done. You can stop sacrifice having to choose between your time and your money.

If you enjoyed this post please “like” and share it.
To read my other posts, visit Tamara’s Blog

The Difference Between a Manager and a Leader

Are you a MANAGER or a LEADER?

leader vs follower

There is a big difference in a being a leader versus being a manager

I recently read an article on that pointed out that there is a possibility that your manager is affecting your performance on your job. It was followed by an article which pointed out that your manager could possibly be a psychopath. No joke. The article outlined habits of managers who were later determined to have serious mental issues.

Reading those articles brought me back to a subject that I deal with on a day to day basis – Dealing with a manager who is not a leader. Many people who work a 9-5 job go through the same issue.  While there are similarities between the two positions, don’t be mistaken, there is a big difference in a person being a manager and a person being a leader.

Managers tend to do just that (and only that) manage a group of people. They make schedules, issue orders and instructions, and make rules. When the rules are broken, they discipline the employees. Many managers are there just to ensure the work gets done. They do not attempt to foster growth in employees or help to develop careers. Because they are usually only interested in the numbers involved they tend to micromanage the employees, dictating what should be done, at what time it should be done, and exactly how that task should be done. Employees who work under a “manager” usually do not get to deviate from the standard plan, and are not developing overall as assets to their company. These employees most often are not motivated to succeed other than for the fact that meeting the numbers or the quota will keep the manager off of their backs.

At one point in my career, I worked under a true manager. She micromanaged every detail of your day from what time you should call customers to what notes you used to document your files. Employees on the team were actually relieved on her vacation days because we felt like we were able to get more work done because we didn’t have to spend time explaining every action that we took during the day. The result was that the team was the worst performing team in the office, morale was low, turnover was high.

Leaders on the other hand, do just that (lead). Though they may take on some of the tasks of managers such as scheduling and disciplining, they actually take time to develop their employees  and inspire success. Leaders listen to the ideas of their employees and often encourage discussion and feedback on how tasks should be handled. Leaders also allow employees to make decisions regarding their work which actually empowers employees and makes them feel better about their jobs and that they have an actual stake in whether or not the outcome is success. Think about it, if you come up with an idea, of course you want to work hard to ensure the success of your plan. If you are forced to do something a certain way, most times you have no stake in whether or not the idea works — hey it wasn’t you that came up with it, you’re just following orders. Employees who work with leaders not only want to succeed, but they want to make their leaders and team look good as well.

At another instance in my career, I had the opportunity to work for a leader. The experience was completely different than when I worked for the manager, even though I was doing the exact same job. The members of the team were empowered to make decisions and manage their desks in the way that worked for them. The team flourished, morale was high and the only turnover was when people were promoted for doing such  a good job.

Are you a manager or a leader?

Are you a manager, or are you a leader? And if you’re the employee are you working with a manager or a leader? The truth is many managers function under the title “leader” but are in no way, shape, or form a leader. Take inventory of your actions and those of your employees and you may find out that the answer is not what you think.

If you enjoyed this post, please like or share it. If you would like to read my other posts, please visit Tamara’s Blog

The Power of the Follow-up

Never Underestimate the Power of the Follow-up

A follow-up call or message can take your prospect from a “maybe” to a “YES”

While at my Saturday hair appointment I heard a conversation between the salon owner and her niece (age 17) who also works in the salon.

Aunt: Did you find the phone number of the lady that called
Niece: Not yet
Aunt: When did she call
Niece: Tuesday. I don’t remember what her name was, and she was talking about something, but I don’t know what.
Aunt: you really need to find that number. If she is calling me and I never call back orfollow-up, it will seem as if I’m not interested.

I cannot count the times that I have contacted a business or person, left a message or sent an email, then waited, and waited, and waited for a response. To be honest, it was quiet infuriating. It left me feeling just the way the aunt in this situation described, as if the person being contacted was simply not interested in my business. (In fact, it’s the reason I changed from one salon to the salon I currently go to.)

So what happens when your customers or prospects contact you? Unless you have a personal assistant to return all of your calls and follow-up with all of your prospects, you’d better have a system in place to reach out to those people who want to work with you or give you their business. There are several methods that can be used to follow-up with people, depending on how they reach out to you, so there is really no excuse to leave someone hanging.

Take this situation for example: a prospect enters their contact information to access the details for your business opportunity. Your back office captures their information, and stores it on a nice spreadsheet for you. Now what? Do you sit back and wait for that person to sign up or do you contact them to provide more information about yourself and your opportunity? The best answer is to go ahead and send some type of follow-up message. Most people do not join an opportunity on the first time they visit a website, it takes multiple attempts to actually close a sale. The more a person becomes familiar with the program, product, or seller, the more likely they are to buy in the future. So how will you establish contact?

How will you follow-up

Option 1– Email auto-responder. – There are many auto-responders out there that can assist you with contacting prospects. Once the prospect’s contact information is entered into the database, you are able to send out messages to them individually or to the entire group of prospects. Some auto-responders let you build email campaigns to send automated messages to your subscribers on a periodic basis that you specify. Aweber and GVO also let you build customized capture forms that will help you with obtaining the information you need to contact your leads. – This is a highly effective method for reaching out to leads or to other people who are already on your team.

Follow-up with Auto Responders

Option 2- call them – Cold calling people is something that most people don’t particularly care for, however, when someone provides you their phone information that is like the green light saying “call me please”. When you speak to someone voice to voice, you have the opportunity to listen to their concerns and questions and address them in an effective manner. Voice to voice conversation can also help you to avoid some common mis-communications that can occur when you rely on someone to read a message.

Option 3- Texting – While not voice to voice is the next best thing to calling. In fact, most people prefer a text to a phone call. When you text someone, you know that they will see the message at some point and most people will take the time to read a short text before they delete it—some people NEVER check their voicemail or emails, so they may never realize it was you who called them or that you sent them a message. Texting is a quick way to deliver a message and also allows a person to respond directly back to you when it is convenient for them to do so. Even when or if you don’t want to give out your personal number to people, you can still contact them via Skype, or Google Voice – which is a web based system that allows you to call and text people from your computer, or Text-Plus, a phone app which allows you to text and call people from your mobile phone by using a number provided by Text-Plus.

You should never underestimate the power of a follow-up

Follow-up with google voice

message. In this day and age, the age of rapid communication and instant gratification, people want responses sooner rather than later. Modern technology provides means for us to reach out to people from any place in the world, or to have a program to reach out to them for us. Simple communication between you and your leads can be the difference between a profitable business and a failing one – don’t let lack of communication be the stumbling block that holds you back.internet connection and a number provided to you by text plus.

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If you want to read some of my other posts please visit Tamara’s Blog

Keyword Planner?

The Google Keyword Planner


Today I searched for the Google Keyword Tool online only to find that it apparently has been scrapped in favor of the Keyword Planner. It can’t be all bad, right… Well, that remains to be seen. At first glance, I can spot a few things that I feel can be improved with the keyboard planner.

Keyword Tool vs Keyword Planner

The keyword tool would allow you to type in a topic and give you a list of popular searches that are related to that keyword or topic. The keyword planner does the same, but here is the difference I found.

The keyword tool lets you select the keywords you want to use and add them to a list that you can later copy and paste into your webpage or blog. The planner, lets you select the words, but there is no mechanism that allows you to copy the words that are saved in the form of a list. The only option I see is to export that list to a CSV file from which you would have to copy and paste the words into your own list.

Planner seems to be all about the money. Of course, everyone is in business to make money, but the set-up of the keyword planner really shows it. The interface is set up for use with Google Adwords. It shows you the average cost per click and lets you build campaigns around your searches. You actually have to log into an Adwords account in order to use the tool. Thank goodness they are not requiring you to set up an actual add before being able to search for keywords. For the person who IS looking to make an ad, the Adwords related features can be nothing but helpful, but for the Average Joe (or a blogger like me who just wants to optimize my blog), it gets to be a little cumbersome.

keyword planner

The keyword planner actually combines the keyword tool and traffic estimator tools so that you can build advertising campaigns more efficiently. If you check inside your Adwords account (which you will now have to log into to use any form of the tool, you will see that the keyword tool and Traffic estimator tool are both missing from the tools and analysis menu.

The Keyword Planner may not be all bad

On a positive note, when using planner, you can target your keyword searches by geographic region, and language. You can also exclude words that you do not want included in your search. There is a tutorial available on how to use the keyword planner. For now, I have not seen any news related to Google’s beloved keyword tool coming back, so it looks like the planner will be it. Stay tuned to my blog as I will release a video to demonstrate the use of the keyword planner.

planner main

I’m sure as all changes go, we will get used to this one and soon forget the ease of the old keyword tool. In the meantime, keep on blogging, a little change is good for everyone..

Much Success,


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To read my other posts, please visit, Tamara’s Blog